One Vocabulary: Its Permutations and the Possibilities Therefrom Part II September 16, 1995 - October 25, 1995 Featuring works by Eadweard Muybridge and Fred Sandback
One Vocabulary: Its Permutations and the Possibilities Therefrom Part I May 27, 1995 - August 15, 1995 Featuring works by Daniel Buren and Chuck Close
Summer Group Show:Some Like it Cool July 9, 1994 - August 1, 1994 Featuring works by Jonathan Borofsky, Richard Fleischner, Nancy Haynes, Chuck Holtzman, Rebecca Horn, Mel Kendrick, Sol LeWitt, Brice Marden, Claudia Matzko, Michael Mazur, Maurizio Pellegrin, Fred Sandback, Richard Serra, Meg Webster, and Christopher Wool
A Garden March 12, 1994 - April 6, 1994 Featuring works by Donald Baechler, Louise Bourgeois, John Chamberlain, Jim Dine, Tony Feher, Robert Gober, Ellsworth Kelly, Sherrie Levine, Kiki Smith, Donald Sultan, Lawrence Weiner, and others…
Group Show July 10, 1993 - July 31, 1993 Featuring works by Louise Bourgeois, Sophie Calle, John Chamberlain, Sol LeWitt, Joan Mitchell, Fred Sandback, and others…
Myths and Legends as Told and Retold May 1, 1993 - June 2, 1993 Featuring works by Barbara Broughel, Ericson & Ziegler, Robert Farber, Glenn Ligon, Mark Luyten, Anne & Patrick Poirier, Elaine Reichek, Cindy Sherman, and Fred Wilson
Patently Missing January 16, 1993 - February 17, 1993 Featuring works by Christian Boltanski, Mary Carlson, Gotscho, Sherrie Levine, Beverly Semmes, Judith Shea, Claude Simard, and Leslie Wilcox
Three Choices September 18, 1992 - October 21, 1992 Featuring works by Annette Lemieux, Ellen Rothenberg, and Lisa Young
Large Scale Prints July 8, 1992 - August 1, 1992 Featuring works by Jim Dine, David Hockney, Jasper Johns, Ellsworth Kelly, Roy Lichtenstein, Mark Luyten, Joan Mitchell, Robert Motherwell, Robert Rauschenberg, Julian Schnabel, Richard Serra, Frank Stella
Somewhere Between Image and Text February 15, 1992 - March 18, 1992 Featuring works by, Dotty Attie, Guillame Bijl, Nancy Dwyer, Ronald Jones, Mitchell Kane, Jane Laudi, Louise Lawler, Glenn Ligon, Mark Luyten, Christian Marclay, Komar + Melamid, Deborah Oropallo, Maurizio Pellegrin, Lorna Simpson, and Christopher Wool
Surface to Surface January 11, 1992 - February 12, 1992 Featuring works by Dan Flavin, Jaqueline Humpries, Donald Judd, Ellsworth Kelly, Sol LeWitt, Fred Sandback, Sean Scully, Pat Steir, Robert Therrien, and Richard Tuttle
Connected Past September 14, 1991 - October 16, 1991 Featuring works by Christian Boltanski, Chris Burden, Sophie Calle, Ben Freeman, Robert Gober, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Michael Jenkins, Maurizio Pellegrin, and Tim Rollins & K.O.S.
The Landscape in Prints: Selections from Pace Prints September 14, 1991 - October 16, 1991 Featuring works by Joe Andoe, Donald Baechler, Alfred Leslie, and Gary Stephan
Birds As Critics: Artist’s Birdhouses July 10, 1991 - August 16, 1991 Featuring works by Jonathan Aldophe, James Ballard, Michael Beatty, Paul Bowen, Doris Chase, Colette, Robert Cumming, Laura Foreman, Mark Hadjpateras, Chuck Holtzman, Stephen Lack, Robert Lobe, Saul Ostrow, Ann Sargent-Wooster, Cameron Shaw, Randy Sewell, Huck Snyder, Christopher Sproat, Anita Thacher, Paul Tucker, Ted Victoria, and Lawrence Weiner
To Portray January 5, 1991 - February 6, 1991 Featuring works by Sophie Calle, Rimma & Valeriy Gerlovin, Jeanne Dunning, Jonathan Borofsky, Suzanne Lafont, Cameron Shaw, Hilary French, Judith Shea, Michael Mazur, Nicholas Nixon, Susan Silas, Magdalena Abakanowicz, Paul Laster, Scott Hadfield, Hanna Collins
Recent Print Acquisitions in Series September 8, 1990 - October 3, 1990 Featuring works by Vito Acconci, Hanne Darboven, Glenn Goldberg, Donald Judd, Sol LeWitt, Robert Mangold, Tim Rollins & K.O.S, and Terry Winters
Constructive Anger May 19, 1990 - June 23, 1990 Featuring works by Nayland Blake, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Guerrilla Girls, Jenny Holzer, Lillian Hsu-Flanders, Larry Johnson, Barbara Kruger, John Lindell, Marlene McCarthy, Donald Moffett, Adrian Piper, Martha Rosler, and Lorna Simpson
Stripes March 10, 1990 - April 4, 1990 Featuring works by Daniel Buren, Alan Charlton, Dan Flavin, Donald Judd, Ellsworth Kelly, Sherrie Levine, Sol LeWitt, Brice Marden, Agnes Martin, Kevin Pasnik, Tim Rollins & K.O.S, Sean Scully, and Carole Seborovski
Presenting November 11, 1989 - December 6, 1989 Featuring works by Marcel Broodthaers, Ron Greenberg, Paul Laster, Michael Mazur, Robbin Murphy, Thomas Ruff, and Franz Erhard Walther
S.M.S. July 1, 1989 - August 1, 1989 The Portable Museum of Original Multiples in six portfolios Published in 1968 by The Letter Edged in Black Press
Painting, Object, Photography April 8, 1989 - May 3, 1989 Featuring works by Alan Belcher, Barbara Bloom, Jennifer Bolande, Christian Boltanski, Sophie Calle, Antoine Desjardins, Frank Egloff, Fariba Hajamadi, Alfredo Jaar, Annette Lemieux, Mark Luyten, Cameron Shaw, Lorna Simpson, and Patrick Weidmann
Monochrome January 13, 1989 - February 7, 1989 Featuring works by Richmond Burton, Alan Charlton, Tim Ebner, Christian Eckhart, Kate Ericson/Mel Ziegler, Ronald Jones, Donald Judd, Ellsworth Kelly, Agnes Martin, Tim Rollins & K.O.S, Robert Therrien, and Not Vital